Monday, January 28, 2013

The Sofa: Music Rating

Music is always on my mind. I'm always thinking of how it sounds and what I get out of a song/album. So in my random wondering, I came up with a system for rating music. More specifically, Hip Hop. This system can be used for an album, mix tape or song. Simply using the words Hip Hop themselves. I made up different meanings for each letter, meanings for acronyms or for a word made from the letters...

Music Rater: HIP HOP

HH- this rating means this artist/song/album STANDS for hip hop. (as inHH is an abbreviation that stands for hip hop) Iconic or chart topping music!

Hip- this rating means the artist/song/album is on the current flow of mainstream hip hop. They are with end the trend or direction hip hop is going at the current time. (this can be a good or bad thing.)

Hop-  this rating means the artist/song/album is a "leap" ahead of the average. Outside the box.

Pop- this rating means the artist/song/album is something anyone from your grandmother to your little sister can nod their head and dance to. A club banger or family reunion hit.

OH- this rating means the lyrics this artist/song/album brings to the game are unmatched and out of control (in a good way)

HOPP- this rating means I "hopp" you don't make anymore songs/albums/tracks/statements/children/appearances (as far as music goes anyway)

PP- this rating means "popular plays" which is another way of saying the artist/song/album will only be noticed or played because of the authors popularity, not talent. But also those that had songs that stayed on top of the charts for Weeks/Months.

These ratings are not limited to the meanings that have been presented. I'm just trying a new fun way to discuss and rate the Hip Hop we hear today. So, rate on!

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